Tax Pro’s Only

Apr 14, 2015

With tax season finally drawing to a close the IRS EPSS e-help Desk is lighting up with phone calls. Unfortunately taxpayers are tying up those lines too, claiming that their tax preparer referred them for assistance resolving issues like rejected returns, tax law and tax account matters. Taxpayers will get turned away from this line, which doesn’t only frustrate them; it clogs up the IRS which frustrates our fellow tax preparers. Let’s face it; we have a hard time getting through in the first place.

That being said, please be sure to direct your clients to for assistance. They can use the Interactive Tax Assistant by entering ITA in the search box, or they can call TeleTax 1-800-829-4477. If they have a specific area they need assistance with, here is the IRS Services Guide ( for them to find quick answers.

At UltimateTax, we know how valuable your time is. That is why we are fully staffed and caffeinated – to answer your calls quickly and efficiently. One call resolution is always our main priority.

We know you are running on fumes and ready for some sleep but the finish line is in sight! Let’s keep those lines open so we can all meet our deadlines!

UltimateTax Service, Inc. is a professional tax software provider. We provide this information as a service to our clients and friends. The information we post is for your viewing and knowledge pleasure. We take all information we post seriously and stand behind what we post. However, the information we post is not meant to be used as your sole position in tax cases.

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