Did you prepare returns for clients that had bad Obamacare subsidy data (Read our 800,000 Incorrect Tax Statements article) If so, you are about to have some great news for them! Out of the 800,000 incorrect tax statements, the 50,000 taxpayers who already filed are...
As Tax preparers, your clients may expect you to be their go-to-person for everything ACA (Affordable Care Act) related. You are the only live person they can physically sit with face to face and ask questions to, otherwise everything is done online. Especially now...
As it stands, not all states allow Enrolled Agents to use their credentials to encourage tax payers to use their services. This may not be the case in the future! The Enrolled Agents Credential Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This would allow Enrolled Agents...
The 1095-A is the tax statement in question and anyone who purchased a health care plan through the Marketplace will receive one. Included in this tax statement is the amount paid in monthly premiums, which is where the mistake was made. Some of the premiums figured...
As a Tax Professional, you will have to ask your clients a few questions when dealing with this situation. Is your client the custodial or noncustodial parent? When is the final divorce decree dated? If the divorce decree or separation agreement went into effect after...