Professional Tax Software ? This Is How We Do It

Jul 30, 2015


There were so many professional tax software companies at the IRS Tax Forums in Washington, DC. I’m curious to see what questions they were asked over and over.

For UltimateTax, the one question I heard repeatedly was “How can you afford to sell software at such a low price?” the next question being “How long have you been in business?” It’s like you could hear them thinking, we may go out of business because our prices were so low.

These are great questions to ask. So, we are going to beat everyone else to the punch and answer them for you.

How can you afford to sell software at such a low price?

We are a service bureau, which means that we have another vendor that produces software for us. Then we take that software and customize it for you. We have a wonderful relationship with our vendors and complement each other well. This is how was are able to pass along the savings.

Our reputation is quality and we have worked hard to achieve this. Our #1 priority is our relationship with you. Our loyal following and happy customers are our best asset.

It is imperative to hire talent, from support to account managers and everyone in between we have very little turn over. We work like a well-oiled machine.

That is exactly how we keep costs down, and happiness up. Now let’s address that other question…

How long have you been in business?

No worries, we know what we’re doing. UltimateTax has been doing what we do best since 2009, so 6 years and counting. We plan on being in the biz to see many new generations of tax pro’s grow to retirement.

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