Professional Tax Software – Don’t Let Them Control You

May 29, 2015

Ever wonder why it is cheaper to buy professional tax software in certain months of the year?

When professional tax software companies give you big discounts to purchase your software at certain times of the season they are trying to control you. It is a game of manipulation, we have done it in the past to be competitive but we are PUTTING A STOP TO IT NOW!

Why do they want to control you?

  1. They know you still have money because your season is just ending.
  2. They want to lock you in so you don’t go to a competitor.
  3. They know you cannot operate your business without it, so they use it against you.

We are taking a stand against this game of manipulation that is working for other companies! How? Well, we thought you were never going to ask.

With these three words:


And these three words:


Tax season is stressful enough for you! Starting now we are taking the stress out of your off-season.

How can we afford to do this? Great question! We are changing this industry for the better. When you are successful, you can get rid of your “problem customers” right? You know, the ones that take up all of your time and make you work harder than you should. Then don’t even want to pay you after you catered to them (against your own better judgment) for weeks!

We get those “problem customers” too. But not anymore! They eat up your resources and energy so we are putting our foot down. From now on we only want the best of the best, it only makes business sense.

We are passing both the savings and knowledge to you! Now, without pressure you are free to purchase your software anytime you wish. There is no reason to be gun shy! No buyer’s remorse! No gimmicks, no games! Buy it today, tomorrow, yesterday, on your birthday…whenever you wish. We have an amazing deal for you anytime!

THERE IS NO REASON TO WAIT! To see the always lowest price without delay, please click here.

Questions? We love them! Call one of our account managers at 866-686-7211 FREE

Don’t like to talk? Send us an email

P.S. We still have our amazing bank product incentives and rebates for free software too!

P.S.S. Did I mention we have a PRICEMATCH GUARANTEE?!?!

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