What are The Necessary Qualifications and Steps to Become a Tax Preparer?

Working as a tax preparer could be a full-time or seasonal job and is in high demand during tax season. Are you good with numbers, find taxes interesting, and are considering a career in tax preparation? Read on to discover the steps to pursuing a career as a tax preparer.
Loretta Kilday

Loretta Kilday

Debtcc Spokesperson at Debt Consolidation Care.

Get a PTIN and Obtain Proper Certifications

To be a tax preparer, the core thing to do is to get a Tax Preparer Identification Number (PTIN) from the IRS. This is a must for anyone who wants to prepare federal tax returns as their job. Beyond this, learning and obtaining certifications are very important. You don’t always need a college degree in accounting or tax, but it helps to take specialized classes that study taxes and how to fill out returns appropriately. It’s also important to have real-life practice with tax preparation software.

Participate In Volunteer Tax Programs

When I was attending university, I participated in a volunteer program called VITA, where I helped other students prepare their taxes. I think it’s important to participate in programs like this before you graduate from an educational institution, so you know what to expect when you start helping clients with their taxes.

Eric Novinson

Eric Novinson

Peter Bryla

Peter Bryla

Community Manager at ResumeLab.

Acquire Specialized Education In Tax Preparation

This is crucial for those aspiring to pursue a career in this field. Unlike a general degree in accounting, specific courses focus on essential topics like income, deductions, and credits. This is fundamental for developing the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of tax codes effectively.

This education emphasizes practical applications and real-world case studies, providing hands-on experience. This exposure allows aspiring tax preparers to apply theoretical knowledge in a controlled setting, bridging the gap between theory and real-world challenges.

Tax codes are dynamic and frequently revised, and dedicated education in tax preparation ensures professionals are well-informed about the most recent regulations.

Become An Enrolled Agent Or Certified Public Accountant

Acquiring a professional certification, such as the Enrolled Agent (EA) designation or becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), enhances credibility and expertise. As you move throughout your career, staying informed about the latest tax laws and regulations is essential. Continuous professional development through workshops, seminars, or industry updates is vital to stay abreast of changes in tax legislation.

Mike Wallace

Mike Wallace

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