Tax Software Update

Feb 10, 2021

We are just a couple days away from the IRS opening e-file for everyone. Though you may have started seeing acks yesterday. The IRS is Hub testing now. Acks will be slow in coming.

Pre-Acks are now just regular advances now. You must get an IRS ack before you can get an advance on the return.

Please be sure to update your modules. As e-file has now started it is important to be updated to the latest version. You should be at program 35.01 US module version 3

How-to articles:

Tax Updates

Module Updates

Tax Form Defaults

Admin Cannot start returns

Return Query

Please be sure to check Acks often, your system will need updated to have the most current status. If you call our office to check the status of a return, we look at the same return query that is available to you.

The above articles reference our Knowledgebase, where we have many additional solutions for you.

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