Tax Preparers Ain?t Got Time For That!

Oct 24, 2014

Remember the phrase “Ain’t nobody got time for that?” Well, once tax season starts, one thing tax preparers really don’t have time for is getting sick! How many times have your clients come into your office in a less than healthy state? If you are anything like me you will wash your hands 5 times afterward, then frantically wipe down every surface of your desk with a wipe before washing your hands another 5 times.

Most clients do not think about the fact that preparers lose revenue when we are home sick so it is a big deal. Especially now that we even more illnesses to worry about way above and beyond the flu and a cold. We decided to put together a list of helpful ideas to help keep you and your office germ free this season.

  • Put a sign on the door saying something to the effect of “If you are ill, please do not expose us. We prefer you reschedule”. This doesn’t only benefit you and your staff, it shows you are looking out for your clients as well and will not hold it against them if they have to cancel.
  • Some people will not read it or ignore the sign and come in sick anyway. You may want to implement an additional fee in this case that will help compensate you for revenue lost from recovery time in the event that you do get sick.
  • Get your flu shot! Some people do not believe in this, but if you do we strongly recommend it before its too late.
  • Eat well – stock up now when you see healthy food and snacks with a good shelf life that go on sale.
  • Take your vitamins and don’t forget to drink some water between coffee and energy drinks.
  • Find a healthy way to release some stress when needed – whether it’s a quick run to the car and back, deep breathing, something that makes you laugh or a cocktail at the end of the day it is important to relax.

Some of these may seem a little silly but remember with Affordable Care Act in play this year, it will be more important than ever to keep your stress under control and take good care of yourself. We wouldn’t give you any advice that we don’t take ourselves!

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