After 24 years I switched my tax office from a desktop tax program to an online tax program
After 24 years I switched my tax office from a desktop tax program to an online tax program Our tax office started in the 90s as a family business. We started out as an e-file service center. Clients would bring in their completed tax returns and we would e-file them...
Goals for Your First Year as a Tax Preparer
Goals for Your First Year as a Tax Preparer Setting goals is part and parcel of your job as a tax professional. It is part of the service you offer your clients. They’ll come to your office and ask you to help them with reducing the next year’s tax...
Yes, You Can Start a Tax Business While Working Full-time!
Looking for a good way to supplement your regular income? You might see tax preparation as a viable option. And you’re right! It is a service profession that can easily be integrated with similar types of businesses, such as accounting, bookkeeping, financial...