Efile Start Date for 2021 Returns
We are announcing that the IRS will be accepting 2021 returns starting on Monday January 24, 2022. As expected the IRS will begin accepting returns for the 2021 season about the normal time they do each year. As with any start date, we anticipate the first day to be...
Start a Tax Preparation Business Now
The 2022 tax season will begin less than a month from now. If you are going to set up your own tax practice, now is the time to do it! But how do you start a tax preparation business? You’ve done your research, you’ve made a plan… what more do you need to...
Keep an Eye on These Expiring Tax Breaks
As 2021 draws to a close, a number of tax breaks are set to expire. Tax preparers need to be aware of which tax breaks will be going away—but also keep in mind the possibility that they could come back. The expiring provisions could be renewed through legislation....