Scam Targets Tax Preparers

Feb 20, 2015

The IRS has issued a warning to alert tax preparers about fraudulent emails that are being sent to target tax preparers specifically. The email asks you to update your e-Services information and the links included are to a phishing scam which will capture your e-Services usernames and passwords. E-Services DID NOT SEND THIS EMAIL! If you receive an email similar to this, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS. The IRS is aware of this particular situation and you do not need to notify them. At this time they ask that you simply take no action and disregard the email.

The crooks behind this will surely be looking for new ways to try to phish tax preparers and taxpayers for personal information. We advise you to be on the lookout for any strange or suspicious emails and websites. If they are able to obtain the information they seek, they will be able to use it to steal you and/or your client’s identities and finances.

To protect yourself, your clients, and your fellow tax preparers keep in mind that the real IRS will not:

  • Initiate contact by phone, email, text or social media to ask for personal or financial information.
  • Call and demand immediate payment. The IRS will not call about taxes owed without first mailing a bill.
  • Require taxes to be paid a certain way. For example, with a prepaid debit card.

If you see something that seems suspicious other than the specific email described above, you may report it by sending it to . When in doubt, please stay on the safe side.

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