Professional Tax Software ? Power To The Tax Professionals

Jun 26, 2015

Professional tax software companies can’t always be the hero, this time we pass the torch to those witty accountants that fight for tax professional’s rights! It is about time someone did something to stand up for the rights to tax professionals! Honestly, how can we get answers for our clients if the IRS is not able to answer our calls?

Thanks to The National Society of Accountants (NSA), now we can all help take a stand and show support for the entire tax industry!

The NSA has compiled a “Tax Practitioners Bill of Rights” in hopes that it will help bring attention to issues that impair tax preparers and make change!

A few of the issues highlighted in the bill are:

  • The slow to non-existent customer service at the IRS
  • – IRS needs to make changes to procedures to accommodate the NEEDs of taxpayers and tax practitioners.

You are going to love the following examples the NSA provides!

NSA Executive Vice President John Ams states “The IRS has scheduled computer maintenance and downtime in the last few days prior to returns being due. This has nothing to do with funding – it has to do with common sense. “

IRS agents want to meet during March and April. Ams said, “Everyone, including IRS agents, knows that returns are due on April 15, so why not schedule something in May or June instead? Again, a lack of common sense.”

NSA Marilyn Niwao adds – “Congress has to enact tax legislation in a more timely manner. Last year, a tax bill was enacted on December 19, giving no one – not taxpayers, tax return preparers or the IRS – sufficient time to learn about the changes in the tax law, or even get tax forms out in time for the beginning of the tax filing season”.

These are all facts we already knew, but it sure does feel good to hear them out loud, instead of muttering them under our breath!


Read the full Tax Practitioner Bill of Rights and sign the petition to make life easier for the tax community!

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