EPS Program and How is it advantageous for your Tax Preparation Business

Nov 23, 2022

UltimateTax is the best professional tax software because it makes tax preparation easier. The software has excellent features, is online accessible, is compatible with all major devices, is user-friendly, and allows you to fill out e-forms as many times as you want. That is not the end of the story. Including bank products and services in tax software improves the user experience.

One of these extremely popular and useful services is UltimateTax’s EPS Program. It can assist you in acquiring more satisfied customers, acquiring more clients, and achieving maximum success in your tax preparation business.

Do you want to learn more about UltimateTax’s EPS Program and how it can help your company? Continue reading to find out everything you need to know.

What is the EPS Program? 

Meta Bank’s wholly-owned subsidiary, EPS, offers tax services to both individuals and tax professionals. EPS works with other B2B services to assist individuals in tax planning and finding additional tax-related solutions.

Since its inception in 2009, EPS has handled over $20 billion in financial transactions. It is primarily intended for new tax preparation businesses looking to break into the market.

UltimateTax’s EPS Program assists new tax preparation businesses in acquiring more clients by providing low-cost bank fees that maximize tax refunds.

Benefits of UltimateTax’s EPS Program for your tax firm 

Now that we’ve covered what EPS is and how it works, let’s look at how UltimateTax’s EPS Program can help your company grow.

Ultimate Tax’s EPS Program can help you connect with more clients by providing the following services:

1. Easy tax refund loans 

You can provide tax advance loans to your clients using EPS. You can get a loan from EPS Financials to pay for your clients’ early tax refunds.

The maximum loan amount is $6,000, and it is typically obtained in one of two ways:

  • The small loan amount comes at no extra cost to taxpayers, and
  • A substantial loan with a fixed interest rate

The best part about using EPS for tax refund loans is that there are no or very little advertising costs.

2. Several simple ways to obtain a tax refund disbursement 

The ease with which a tax refund can be obtained is one of the best features of UltimateTax’s EPS Program. Tax refunds can be easily issued to your clients via debit cards, printed checks, or direct deposits.

EPS has one of the industry’s lowest bank fees for direct deposits and printed checks.

3. Service fees are simple and easy to collect.

Tax preparers and their clients frequently struggle with determining how to collect service fees. On the one hand, the tax preparer must remind the client of the fee on a regular basis. The client, on the other hand, is responsible for paying the tax preparer right away.

Fortunately, the EPS program can help you solve this problem quickly and effectively. Tax preparers can deduct their service fees directly from their clients’ tax refunds thanks to EPS. It will speed up the collection of your fees, and your client will not be held liable for your out-of-pocket expenses. As a result, everyone wins.


That’s all there is to it. All of the benefits of UltimateTax’s EPS Program. UltimateTax is a one-stop shop for all of your professional tax filing requirements. UltimateTax provides professional tax software as well as upscale banking products and services.

Visit the website today to learn more about it.

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